My Myofunctional Therapy Journey: tongue thrust, orthodontics, and tongue tie – A Personal Story

 Welcome to the very first post of the "Myo Minute Blog"! I’m thrilled to share my personal journey with you—a journey that led me to discover the transformative power of myofunctional therapy, not just as a clinician but as someone who has experienced its benefits firsthand. Whether you’re here out of curiosity about tongue thrust, TMJ dysfunction, tongue ties, orthodontics, or because you or your child are struggling with sleep-disordered breathing symptoms, or speech I hope my story will resonate with you.


The Beginning: A Mouth-Breathing Child

For as long as I can remember, I dealt with subtle but persistent issues that seemed completely unrelated: frequent headaches, jaw clicking/ popping and pain, chronic mouth breathing, stuffy noses, and sleep disturbances that began in my pre-teen years. Despite consulting various professionals, the root cause remained elusive. It wasn’t until after the birth of my second child that I delved deeply into the world of myofunctional therapy and tongue ties. My interest was sparked by years of dentists telling me that I was clearly a mouth-breather. I always thought, "I’d breathe through my nose if I could, but I get so much more air through my mouth!" As a seasoned Speech-Language Pathologist, exploring the connections between tongue ties, orofacial myofunctional disorders, and my symptoms was an eye-opening experience. I began to evaluate myself, just as I do with many aspects of speech therapy. (Ask my husband—I often lie in bed moving my mouth and tongue in all kinds of directions to figure out what my clients are experiencing so I can better help them.)


My Personal Journey with Myofunctional Therapy

Once I identified my own deficits, I realized that my oral posture and swallowing patterns were not functioning as they should. This revelation was both enlightening and a bit overwhelming, but it motivated me to dive deeper into myofunctional therapy—first as a patient, and now as a Speech-Language Pathologist with a practice focused primarily on myofunctional therapy.

The journey hasn’t been easy. My therapy involved a series of exercises designed to strengthen my tongue and facial muscles, correct my swallowing patterns, and establish proper oral rest posture. I worked diligently, incorporating these exercises into my daily routine, and over time, I began to notice profound changes. Part of this journey involved understanding the structural components of my orofacial complex. Due to genetics and years of my tongue, lips, and jaw not functioning optimally, I have significant structural anomalies.

Another part of my journey involved almost a decade in orthodontics, including palatal expanders, tongue tamers to help with my tongue thrust (which I now know was the purpose), a lip bumper for my lower lip, full braces, and headgear. I now understand that some of these treatments were actually harmful to my airway, pushing things further back. As an adult, my maxillary palatal width is about the size of a 4-year-old child’s. I am currently weighing the pros and cons of different interventions with an airway-informed dentist.


Helping Others Through Myofunctional Therapy

My personal experience fueled my passion for helping others who are facing similar challenges. I realized how common tongue ties and related issues are, yet they often go undiagnosed or untreated. This realization led me to specialize in myofunctional therapy, focusing on helping both children and adults improve their oral function and overall health.

In my practice at Breathe Eat Sleep Talk, I’ve had the privilege of guiding many families through their own journeys. From toddlers with feeding difficulties to adults struggling with chronic symptoms, I’ve seen firsthand how myofunctional therapy can be life-changing. My goal is to provide personalized, compassionate care that addresses the root causes of these issues, leading to lasting improvements in my clients’ lives.


Why Share My Story?

I’m sharing my story because I want you to know the impact this journey has had on me personally. I’m on this journey too, so I don’t take any of it lightly—you are not alone. There is a lot of information out there, and it’s hard to decipher and understand it all. I’m a research nerd, and because this has impacted me so deeply, I’ve dedicated my personal and professional life to helping others in this area.

If you or your child are experiencing symptoms like mouth breathing, speech difficulties, or sleep disturbances, there is hope. Myofunctional therapy offers a holistic approach that can address these issues at their source. Whether you’re just beginning to explore this option or are already on the path, I’m here to support you every step of the way.


Join the Conversation

I’d love to hear from you! Have you or your child experienced similar symptoms? Are you considering myofunctional therapy? Share your thoughts in the comments below, or reach out to me directly. Let’s continue this journey together, one “Myo Minute” at a time.

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more posts where we’ll explore topics like tongue ties, tongue thrust, orthodontics, mouth breathing, oral posture, and the incredible benefits of myofunctional therapy.


Myofunctional therapy: Breathe Eat Sleep Talk