How Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) Enhances Myofunctional Therapy: A Comprehensive Approach to Oral Health and healing the whole body

What is CFT?

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) is a holistic approach to healing that combines elements of craniosacral therapy and fascial release to address tension and restrictions in the body. Developed by Dr. Barry Gillespie, CFT focuses on releasing fascial strain patterns that can affect the craniosacral system—a critical network of membranes and fluid that envelops the brain and spinal cord. The therapy aims to enhance the body's natural healing processes, promoting better function and overall well-being.

How CFT Works

CFT is grounded in the belief that physical and emotional stress can create tension in the body’s fascia, a connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and organs. This tension can disrupt the flow of cerebrospinal fluid within the craniosacral system, leading to various health issues, including headaches, chronic pain, and even developmental delays in children. During a CFT session, a trained therapist gently manipulates the cranial bones, spine, and fascia to release these tensions, facilitating improved fluid flow and restoring balance to the body.

For more detailed information about CFT, you can visit the Gillespie Approach website.

CFT and Myofunctional Therapy: A Powerful Combination

At Breathe Eat Sleep Talk, we understand the intricate relationship between the craniosacral system and oral function. That’s why we integrate CFT into our myofunctional therapy sessions to enhance the overall effectiveness of treatment. Here’s how CFT can complement myofunctional therapy:

1.     Pre and Post-Frenectomy Support: One of the most critical applications of CFT in our practice is its use before and after a frenectomy—a procedure to release a tongue or lip tie. Tension in the craniosacral fascia can restrict tongue mobility, making it difficult for the tongue to achieve its full range of motion even after a frenectomy. By using CFT, we can help release this tension, ensuring that the tongue and surrounding muscles can function optimally post-procedure.

2.     During and/ or after expansion and orthodontics: CFT is also highly beneficial during and after orthodontic treatments, including palatal expansion and braces. Here’s how:

  • Enhancing Orthodontic Outcomes: Orthodontic treatments such as palatal expansion or braces work to align the teeth and jaws, but they can also create tension in the surrounding craniosacral fascia. CFT helps to release this tension, allowing the facial structures to adapt more naturally to the changes being made by orthodontic devices. This can lead to more stable and successful outcomes, reducing the risk of relapse.

  • Improving Comfort During Expansion: Palatal expansion involves widening the upper jaw to create more space for the teeth, which can cause discomfort and tension in the cranial bones and facial muscles. CFT can alleviate this discomfort by gently releasing tension in the fascia, making the expansion process smoother and more comfortable for the patient.

  • Post-Orthodontic Stability: After the braces come off, there’s a critical period where the teeth and jaws need to settle into their new positions. CFT can be instrumental during this time, helping to ensure that the craniosacral system is balanced and the fascial tissues are free from tension, which supports the long-term stability of the orthodontic corrections.

  • Addressing Structural Issues: For individuals with significant structural anomalies due to genetics or prolonged improper oral function, CFT can help to address these issues by promoting better alignment and function of the craniosacral system. This is especially important after orthodontic treatment, where maintaining the new alignment is crucial.

3.     Improving Oral Function: Myofunctional therapy aims to correct issues such as tongue thrust, improper swallowing patterns, and mouth breathing. CFT enhances these outcomes by addressing underlying fascial restrictions that might be contributing to these dysfunctions. By releasing tension in the craniosacral fascia, CFT helps to create a more supportive environment for the muscles involved in breathing, eating, and speaking.

4.     Holistic Healing: Both myofunctional therapy and CFT emphasize the importance of treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. By combining these approaches, we offer a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses the root causes of dysfunction, leading to more sustainable and long-lasting results.

5.     Enhanced Relaxation and Healing: CFT is known for its calming effects, which can be particularly beneficial for patients undergoing myofunctional therapy. The gentle, hands-on techniques used in CFT help to soothe the nervous system, making it easier for the body to respond positively to myofunctional exercises.

CFT at Breathe Eat Sleep Talk

At Breathe Eat Sleep Talk, our commitment to holistic care means that we continually seek out the best methods to support our clients. Our owner is trained in Craniosacral Fascial Therapy and often incorporates it into myofunctional therapy sessions. This integrated approach is especially valuable for patients undergoing frenectomy, as it ensures that the body is fully prepared for the procedure and can heal more effectively afterward.

Whether you or your child are dealing with tongue ties, mouth breathing, or other oral function issues, combining CFT with myofunctional therapy can provide a more comprehensive path to health. We’re here to support you every step of the way with personalized care that addresses your unique needs.

If you’re interested in learning more about how CFT can complement your myofunctional therapy journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you achieve your best health, naturally and holistically.


Myofunctional therapy: Breathe Eat Sleep Talk